Saturday, July 6, 2013


I had my transfer this morning. I was offered a Valium and I gladly took it! I met with the embryologist and Dr Huang. The embryos looked "great"! I had 1 8 cell, grade A and 1 8 cell grade A-B embryos. The others ranged from 4-6 cell and those will continue on to day 5 and 6 for hopefully cyropreservation for another IVF if needed. I had been trying to decide between one or two embryos to be placed but my plan was written up when I got there as two embryos to be transferred. We discussed this and she felt it acceptable and preferable to transfer 2. To transfer 1, decreased our odds of success by 10%. There is a 25-30% chance of twins with transferring 2 embryos. I'm glad that we decided to try for two anyway, hoping at least one will stick! 

The transfer process was pretty cool. I had to have a full bladder because on ultrasound, the uterus lies right under it and it is visible when it is full of liquid. I was able to see the catheter in my uterus on the ultrasound. Then the embryologist came in with the embryos and they were injected through the catheter into my uterus. I was able to see the small blob which were the embryos. Then the catheter was checked under the microscope to make sure it was empty. I had to lie flat for 10 minutes which Dr Huang said was mainly for tradition. Then I was free to go!!

I am now in the "two week wait". I go back 7/17 for a pregnancy test. I am so glad to be moving on!! 


  1. Woo-Hoo Jess! The transfer does sound pretty cool. You were actually able to see the embryos in your uterus - awesome! So do you have any special instructions to follow for these next 2 weeks?

  2. Well, aren't you glad now that you chose 2?!?! I wonder which embryo was Charlie and which was Emily??? ♥♥
