Wednesday, October 30, 2013

19 weeks

Heirloom tomatoes. I don't know how accurate this app is but it's fun anyway. 

The ultrasound went great. We didn't know the gender going into the appointment and we were excited to find out!

We started the ultrasound with baby A, which is the baby closest to the cervix. They keep track of this to monitor the babies throughout the pregnancy. Right at the start, we saw that baby A was a boy! She finished most of the ultrasound and I really had to go to the bathroom so she quickly checked on baby B and saw it was a girl! Each baby took about 45 minutes to get all of the images she needed. Baby girl was being uncooperative, she said probably because she knew what was coming for her so she was very active, rolling around and moving. She is higher up over my belly button and the boy is right below. They're very close! Also, the boy is 10 ounces and girl is 9 ounces. The heartbeats were 146 and 140 which are pretty close. She said there is no evidence that heart rate tells the sex! But some nurses do believe it. It all depends on what they're doing, sleeping, moving, etc. In the ultrasound, we could see fluid in their stomachs and bladder which means they're peeing and drinking water from the amniotic sac. The nurse had trouble viewing the aortic arch on the ultrasound so the doctor came in and tried, he had trouble also but found it ok. I was getting nervous but I figured babies can't live without an aorta.. They also checked my cervical length to make sure it's not too short. Too short could lead to preterm labor. Mine measured normal. 

I go back for on other ultrasound in 4 weeks. The doctor said every 4 weeks until 32 weeks then every 2 weeks. Next OB appt on 11/12 and then 11/25 at South Shore Hospital. 

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