Wednesday, January 29, 2014

32 weeks - 2 heads of cauliflower or a squash

I called my doctors office yesterday and all of my blood work was normal. I mentioned the swelling and it's basically a coincidence that it happened all of a sudden. I had to take my wedding ring off yesterday morning because it was almost stuck on! :-( they told me to stay hydrated and elevate my feet daily. 

I had my first nonstress test today. It went well. I had a monitor for each baby placed on and a contraction monitor. The babies reacted how they wanted. They basically look for a baseline heartrate and make sure it elevates with movements and doesn't drop down far also. My doctor wants me to go twice weekly, I return on Saturday. The nurse discussed all the symptoms and reasons to call my doctors office if needed. 

In other news, I got a phone call today from my doctors office that my csection will be scheduled for March 13th. I am irritated because I gave two doctors I wanted to do the surgery and was scheduled with a doctor that I have not seen before. My doctor made it seem like she would be the one performing surgery or if not then Dr Lacey. It was unexpected to hear this! I asked why? And if I could please have the doctors that I wanted and she said she would look into it. 5 minutes later, the actual surgical coordinator called me back and said the doctor I am scheduled with is the only doctor available in my two week window between 38-40 weeks. I have an appointment with my doctor in a week or so and I'm going to ask her about it then. Otherwise, I'll plan on scheduling my next appointment with the new doctor so I can meet him prior to surgery. And if I go into labor before this date, who knows who will deliver the babies!!! 

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