Thursday, December 26, 2013

We had two appointments today on our day off. I'm so glad that Bill came with me, we had a lot of waiting today. 

I had an ultrasound this morning. Both babies were very active. They currently weigh in at 2lbs 5 ounces which is in the 51 and 53% percentiles for their gestational age. No concerns with the anatomy or size. We had some discussions with the doctor there, I'll go back in three weeks then do a NST, non stress test in which they monitor my blood pressure and babies heart rates etc. I'll need to have those every week.

She said they generally shoot for a 38 week delivery with twins. Currently,the babies are in the transverse position which is horizontal, aka the wrong way for natural delivery. She said this càn change at anytime. 

Later in the afternoon, I had an ob appointment. I had white blood cells in my urine so they're doing a culture to the lab. I also did the 1 hour gestational diabetes test and CBC to the lab. I will not hear results unless its abnormal. She didn't talk much about delivery with me. I go back there in two weeks. 

27 weeks


I had an ultrasound this morning. Here are some pictures. 

Only the boy would cooperate for 3D imaging!

We got to see him yawning in utero, see how his mouth is open? Wish we had it on video. 

Profile of the boy

Profile of the girl

Their heads are so close! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

In double digits!!! Babybump says I have 99 days left. This is until my 40 week due date. Wow. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our bassinets have arrived! Thank you, Betsy! Bill set it up and immediately disassembled it for now as it takes up a lot of space. Not the easiest thing to set up and move but it is nice!! 

Also, Bruce and Nancy got us our carseats and extra carseat adapters!! So cute. 

We are so grateful for the help in preparing for the babies. We have our parenting multiples class today. We're so excited! 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Routine ob appointment yesterday. 

I explained my back pain which she thinks is actually rib pain. The uterus is growing so it puts pressure on my ribs and they separate? There wasn't much she recommended other than prenatal massage, Tylenol or thermacare pads.  Ugh... She said to let her know and she could "write me out of work". Probably has something to do with the fact that my uterus measures 34 weeks!!!!

Otherwise, she had trouble finding both babies heartbeats so she brought in a portable ultrasound machine and saw that they were very close together so the heartbeat she heard was from both of them at different times. I couldn't really see the ultrasound but she said they were side by side. 

I have another appointment in two weeks and that's when I'll have the gestational diabetes test done and some other bloodwork. For the diabetes test, I need to drink a prescribed sugar juice and see how my body responds in one hour. She also recommended the tdap vaccine for whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus and diphtheria. And said Bill should also get it. I have to go to my pcp for that. 

I also asked about the likelihood of a csection. She said it was too early to tell right now but the risk increases if I go into preterm labor. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

25 weeks

Babies are the size of rutabagas. I had to google what the heck a rutabaga was! Now I know!

 Nothing new to report right now. I have a doctors appointment this afternoon, maybe I'll have more to update later. 

I have the weekend off from work so I'm happy about that but we have our "parenting multiples" class on Sunday.. I'm afraid it'll be cancelled as were getting SNOW. I hope we get to go!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

This is my second time being sick in a month. Before this pregnancy, I hardly ever got sick. :-( sore throat, stuffiness, tired.. Whiny blog spot :-)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

24 Weeks

24 weeks this week! 6 months!

Babies are the size of an ear of corn or a cantaloupe apparently! Not much has changed since last week. I still have a good amount of back pain, feel uncomfortable.. getting a little more tired now though, clothes are tighter... I can feel the kicking easily now everyday and Bill has been able to feel it a few times.

24 weeks is also considered the age of viability, which means that IF the babies were born at this time, they have potential of surviving.