Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Posted this picture to one of my online support groups, might as well make it official. I finally have some kind of baby bump! 

19 weeks

Heirloom tomatoes. I don't know how accurate this app is but it's fun anyway. 

The ultrasound went great. We didn't know the gender going into the appointment and we were excited to find out!

We started the ultrasound with baby A, which is the baby closest to the cervix. They keep track of this to monitor the babies throughout the pregnancy. Right at the start, we saw that baby A was a boy! She finished most of the ultrasound and I really had to go to the bathroom so she quickly checked on baby B and saw it was a girl! Each baby took about 45 minutes to get all of the images she needed. Baby girl was being uncooperative, she said probably because she knew what was coming for her so she was very active, rolling around and moving. She is higher up over my belly button and the boy is right below. They're very close! Also, the boy is 10 ounces and girl is 9 ounces. The heartbeats were 146 and 140 which are pretty close. She said there is no evidence that heart rate tells the sex! But some nurses do believe it. It all depends on what they're doing, sleeping, moving, etc. In the ultrasound, we could see fluid in their stomachs and bladder which means they're peeing and drinking water from the amniotic sac. The nurse had trouble viewing the aortic arch on the ultrasound so the doctor came in and tried, he had trouble also but found it ok. I was getting nervous but I figured babies can't live without an aorta.. They also checked my cervical length to make sure it's not too short. Too short could lead to preterm labor. Mine measured normal. 

I go back for on other ultrasound in 4 weeks. The doctor said every 4 weeks until 32 weeks then every 2 weeks. Next OB appt on 11/12 and then 11/25 at South Shore Hospital. 

More ultrasound pictures

As you can see, clearly a boy!

Baby boy, baby A

Baby girl, baby B

Crossing his legs and feet, so cute! 

Baby boy kicking baby girl in the head.. Starting brotherly/sisterly love early on :-)

Monday, October 28, 2013

What we've all been waiting for!

Here is our gender reveal video. Bill made it into presentation mode so turn on your music and follow along :-) Enjoy!

***On the bottom right of the video screen, click the "auto play" button and select 10 seconds. This button looks like a play button combined with a stopwatch.***

Big appointment today!! So excited :-)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I couldn't resist. Saw these at kohls and had to buy them, only $5!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

18 weeks

18 weeks=4 1/2 months! Babies are the size of sweet potatoes. We're making progress here. :-) not much to report, not feeling that fluttery feeling as much since my last post. Hopefully this means it will be turning into regular kicks soon. I think the first time it happens, I'll freak out. Other than feeling "full", I feel fine. My stomach is growing but slowly forming into one large bump, still just looks like I've gained a lot of weight instead of being pregnant. :-) I've actually only gained 3lbs since the beginning of the pregnancy. 

We have our ultrasound on Monday and will share the gender results with our families Monday night after I get out of work, as long as the babies cooperate! 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

I had my doctors appointment yesterday. I also finally heard back from my pcps office.. A month later. My vitamin D level is really low. The insufficient range is 20-29 and normal, 30-100. Mine is 18! I saw on my paperwork, it was previously low. Thanks for telling me... She wants me to come in for a prescription. I took this info to my ob yesterday. She is not concerned. She wants to wait until after the pregnancy to address it. She suggested an OTC vitamin D for now, along with my prenatal vitamin. 

The harmony test was normal!! There is a 1/10,000 chance of a chromosomal abnormality. She said that's the highest ratio you can have. 

I heard the heartbeats, 151 and 130. Both were found in the right side, meaning the flutters I feel are probably from feet kicking. :-) 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I was told more than once today by my coworkers that I have a baby bump. Exciting or scary? I'm not sure.


I have definitely been feeling that same vibration/flutter in my left lower abdomen... A baby kicking? It's so light and usually happens while I'm moving so its hard to feel. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

17 weeks

The babies are the size of onions this week. :-) 

My stomach feels like its growing this past week! It feels harder and like its growing upwards. My jeans barely fit anymore. Woohoo. I've had a few days where I just don't feel "right" but overall, everything is fine. 

 I have a doctors appointment on Friday, not expecting too much from it, hopefully. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Found some old pictures 

Learning how to give my injections 

 Day of the embryo transfer before we went in

+ pregnancy test! 

Where some of the magic happened 

Well the babies are the size of avocados this week, week 16!!! 

What a boring blog, nothing to report. 

Although, the past few days my stomach feels like its growing slightly. I feel it from the inside-out, pulling and overall full feeling. But it does seem slightly bigger to me! I have been getting charlie horses sometimes when I'm sleeping that are annoying. 

Oh and I thought that I felt an early kick on Monday, it felt like a weird flutter but I was driving so I could have gone over a bump ;-) 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

15 weeks!!! The babies are the size of oranges this week. That seems pretty big to me but maybe they're referring to smaller oranges as next week is avocados :-)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I went for the Harmony test yesterday. The results take two weeks to get back. I was thinking about not having it done but my doctor recommended it after me asking, is it worth it, should I even bother? 

Nothing else new to report. I took the last of my medication for the ear issue. It is almost gone but I have some minor swelling still. And I'm still waiting for my lab results.