Friday, September 27, 2013

My pregnancy app told me that today is my ONE HUNDRETH day of pregnancy. What?!
For a few days, around my left ear was bothering me. Yesterday, I woke up and I had painful swelling under my ear so I went to the doctor. It turns out I have a "rare" cold sore on the edge of my face near my ear. She put me on Valtrex. She said she hasn't seen these in many years but she has seen 3 people so far this week with them. Weird.

She also made me get the flu shot. I wasn't planning on it but hopefully the benefits outweigh the risks. 

She also ran some thyroid tests due to my "enlarged thyroid" earlier this year, and B12 level.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

14 weeks today. The babies are the size of lemons! 

I feel fine, hardly any nausea but still waves of fatigue. 

I've started my baby registry. What a nightmare trying to figure out what I need!! And then, to figure out what things I need two of! I have spent hours and hours looking things up online. It's very overwhelming thinking I need all these items and that I have no clue about anything! I'll figure it out but it'll just take time, I suppose. 

I did get approved for the Harmony test but the lab at South Shore Hospital isn't covered by my insurance. How would the average person know or think to check that? The lab is outsourced. This also happened to me at Newton Welleslley Hospital at my hysteroscopy... The anesthesiologist was a third party contractor and was "out of network" so we got a bill for her portion. That is crazy!! How would I ever know that the doctor on that day during that time was not covered by my insurance. They ended up covering it but still. Bill had to call and argue with them. The hassle shouldn't have to happen . Anyway, I'm waiting on my doctors office to arrange the lab test for me. 

Not much else to report. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Peaches at 13 weeks

I had my first ob appointment yesterday. I met my doctor. Turns out that she has IVF twins also but she had to go through 6 cycles before getting pregnant. I felt bad telling her it only took us once, but at the same time, our insurance woudn't cover a second cycle if we needed it. Anyway, she listened to the babies heartbeats and not much else. It was pretty uneventful. I have to return in 4 weeks. I also have a big anatomy ultrasound at the hospital on 10/28. 

Friday, September 20, 2013


Officially in the second trimester!!! I've read it really begins around 13 weeks, 3 days! No doubt about it, I made it! My stomach has been feeling larger than usual so, I think it's coming!!! :-) bring it on! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

We had the NT scan this morning. We opted for just the ultrasound at this time as we need preapproval for the Harmony test, it is tentatively scheduled on next Monday. All the measurements were great. The  babies are measuring at 13 weeks and 5 days and 13 weeks and 1 day. Today I'm 12 weeks and 5 days. The heart rates were 161 and 153. The nuchal fold thickness was normal. All is well and I was happy to see them jiggling around inside. I have an anatomy scan scheduled on 10/28 at the hospital as well. They were super friendly today. My next appointment is on Friday with my OB. 

I guess this is REAL. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

We were able to have fun with my Doppler yesterday and Bill was able to add it to YouTube. I'm not 100% sure if the heartbeats are the two babies or the same baby and they're definitely NOT named Jethro and Tull.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

12 weeks!

Today marks the beginning of the 12th week! Wow. I'm still counting down the days until my appointments!! I'm trying to decide on what we will do for the gender reveal. Ooh lala. I can't wait to find out! :-)

In good news, I'm a lot less nauseous these days and less tired which is awesome! I still have waves of both but overall, I feel much better! 

By the way, the babies are the size of plums. :-)

Monday, September 9, 2013

I bought a fetal doppler online, the Sonoline B. I was warned its not easy to use before 12 weeks and sometimes overweight women  have issues with it. For the first few days, I couldn't get it to work, I was so frustrated! Then yesterday morning, I looked up some tips on YouTube and was able to find it within 5 minutes. Amazing! Someone described it as sounding like a dog panting and about 140-160 beats per minute. It definitely sounds like a dog panting! I was able to do it again and show Bill. Very cool to be able to use in between appointments! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My fans have been awaiting an update! Sorry! Last week, the little babies were the size or prunes and today mark the eleventh week which means they are the size of limes!! 

Things have been going pretty well. I'm getting anxious awaiting my appointment which isn't for another 12 days for the genetic testing but 16 days until my first ob appointment. It seems so far away. 

I'm starting to feel less tired and less nauseous which is nice. I'm still having a hard time eating healthier foods, especially salad. 

That's about it! No news is good news, I suppose!